
New Era 59fifty Hats MySpace 101: What All the Fuss is About

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MySpace 101: What All the Fuss is About If you think your business, music band, or simply, your personality could benefit from participating in one of the most heavily trafficked sites on the internet then you need to know what MySpace is and how to get involved with it. First of all, what is MySpace? Well, in a nutshell, MySpace is a gargantuan (and controversial) network of user- submitted webpages hosted at MySpace.com. This collection of webpages allows MySpace members to interact with one another by making frieWholesale Hats New erands, posting comments, publishing bulletins, writing blogs, sending emails and more. MySpace.com is the undisputed leader of social networking sites and continues to dwarf other would-be contenders like FaceBook, Xanga and Bebo. It currently has over 138 million user accounts which ?even after taking into consideration individuals with multiple accounts? could easily amount to over 50 million unique members. The majority of MySpace members are (contrary to popular belief) over 25 years of age. Controversy over corporate history, horribly designed pages, copyright violations and the safety of underage users has over the years given MySpace a 'bad-boy' image which has only served to heighten its appeal and popularity. One of the most alluring features of MySpace (and also one of the most maligned) is the ability to fully customize a MySpace page by embedding a CSS stylesheet. Many external sites now specialize in the creation and distribution of premade CSS stylesheets specifically designed to customize MySpace pages. These premade stylesheets ?which typically link to background images hosted on external servers? are known as 'MySpace layouts'.Cheap New Era Hats Ultimately, MySpace is now an immense marketing opportunity which entices celebrities, rock bands and even major motion picture producers to sign up for a MySpace account in order to enjoy free exposure to a thrill-seeking demographic numbering in the tens of millions.New Era 59fifty Hats Talk is beginning to circulate that MySpace's popularity is waning but traffic statistics over the last year don't support this (and actually speak to the contrary). Moreover, Google has recently signed a 3 year deal spanning into the second quarter of 2010 which will culminate in MySpace coffers being filled to the tune of $900 million. Soooo.... How does one get some that MySpace thing? Well, it's actually quite simple. All you need to bring to the party is a name and an email address. Simply go to MySpace.com, click on the Signup button, fill in a brief form and, presto, you've got yourself a free MySpace page. Here are a few quick tips on what to do after signing up: ? Choose your MySpace URL (web address) carefully. There is no opportunity to modify it after it's been set. You'll probably want it to somehow reflect your business, band name or personality (essentially the reason why you decided to signup for a MySpace account). Your MySpace URL will be the web address that people can use to find your MySpace page, e.g., www.myspace.com/YOUR_NAME_HERE ? You can customize your MySpace page by simply copy-and-pasting a MySpace layout code into the 'About Me' text box on your 'Edit Profile' screen (or the 'Band Bio' box for music profiles). MySpace layout codes are abundant on the net (albeit many are substandard). Simply do a search in Google for 'myspace layouts' or to get better results, do a search for 'professional myspace layouts' or 'classy myspace layouts'. ? Don't be timid about getting into whole 'adding friends' thing. There is no protocol really. Simply go to your MySpace account home page, click on Browse and then start visiting other MySpace member pages. When you see somebody you'd like to add to your friends list, click on the 'Add to Friends' button in their Contacting [user name] box and an email will be sent to them about your friend request. If they approve your request then they will appear in your friends list and you in theirs. Not everyone will approve your friend requests naturally but don't take it personally. Just move on and keep at it. It is customary to thank those that approve your friend requests by posting a comment to their page saying, "Thanks for the add!" So don't miss the boat on this baby. MySpace is all the rage right now and if you handle your MySpace account well, it can turn into one of your most valuable web assets. Other news for Saturday 28 May, 2011

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