There are currently no product reviews.MONDAY 30 MAY, 2011 | New Era 59fifty Hats What are the treatments for strep throat anby Administrator | post a commentWhat are the treatments for strep throat and which is better? Strep throat is a very common affection that is caused by viruses and bacteria that make the throat irritate. It causes pain in the throat, high fever, sometimes a rash, and it can lead to more serious problems if nothing is done to treat it. The virus that causes strep throat is called streptococcus and it spreads very easily through the air if someone infected with it coughs or sneezes.Wholesale Hats New era The illness is diagnosed by doctors based on the symptoms that the patient presents and after processing a sample of strep culture taken from the throat with the help of a cotton swab. If the result is streptococcus the treatment must begin soon because the viral infection must be eliminated before it spreads. Treatment for strep throat is very easy, it can be done with the help of medication or it can be treated with natural methods, depending on what the patient chooses. You can also combine a small amount of medication with natural remedies. Remember to always consult your doctor before choosing any type of treatment. Don't start treating yourself without advice from someone specialized because you don't know how far your strep throat has advanced and if the remedy you chose will give positive results. The medication used tot treat strep throat is antibiotics, because they are very effective against viral infections. The type and amount of antibiotics that should be taken is prescribed by the doctor. Antibiotic medication usually cures strep throat in 3 days, but it has to be taken for 10 days in order to kill all the bacteria left and prevent it from re-appearing. After 10 days there will be no sign of strep throat left. Sometimes the strep throat bacteria develops a tolerance to antibiotics. In this case the dosage and type of antibiotic administered is changed.Cheap New Era Hats The natural alternatives to antibiotics are hot tea and soup that can reduce the inflammation of the throat, a lot of water to keep the throat from getting dry, and some herbs that help the body fight the infection. Among these the most effective are peppermint, sage and lavender.New Era 59fifty Hats You can strengthen the body's defense system by getting a lot of rest and eating enough food. It's not hard to cure strep throat. You can choose strong antibiotics or home remedies, but make a decision fast because the viral infection can spread and then you can have some serious problems. Other news for Monday 30 May, 2011View all news for Monday 30 May, 2011 on one pageNews for Saturday 28 May, 2011View all news for Saturday 28 May, 2011 on one pageRecent NewsNews archive